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    Global Donors Needed.. Top Dollar Paid

Sign Up

Please take a moment to register for your sperm donor account. We do not share any of your information with anyone. This is for our records only and will be linked to your account
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Our Members enjoy the largest online database of sperm buyers and donors available. Our Database is loaded with institutional buyers, sperm banks, research laboratories, private buyers and donors that we update weekly, We also have our NEW Donor Classified ads. We do daily maintenance to ensure all our contacts are current and active. We last updated our system on 12/13/2024. Once you sign up you will have full access to our donor classified ads, also our complete database of buyers and donors along with other important resources and tips on how to earn the most for your specimens and how to ensure you sperm count will be at its highest when giving a sample. We list the Dos and Donts when it comes to dealing with potential buyers, sperm banks and donors.


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